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The soul is made out of spiritual atoms

Our consciousness is our soul the physical soul is our DNA and DNA creates RNA and RNA creates proteins and humans are made out of proteins

DNA activation makes our DNA turn into triple helix DNA which makes our DNA vibrate more meaning our frequency changes into a higher frequency meaning you go into a higher dimension and a higher dimension consciousness and we move in to a higher chakra

spiritual atoms.png


The soul is made out of spiritual atoms


Our consciousness is our soul the physical soul is our DNA and DNA creates RNA and RNA creates proteins and humans are made out of proteins


DNA activation makes our DNA turn into triple helix DNA which makes our DNA vibrate more meaning our frequency changes into a higher frequency meaning you go into a higher dimension and a higher dimension consciousness and we move in to a higher chakra

the shape of DNA is the fingerprint of god(1,2,4,8,7,5)


1+2+4+8+7+5=27=(3^3)=3cubes=6,6,6=18=9=(seed of life)


and when DNA is a triple helix the shape of it is a (vector equilibrium(3D seed of life))


the 3D seed of life is made out of 13 sphers and 2 (3D)star tetrahedrons and a 3D star tetrahedron has 8 points 8 triangles and 6 points so 8+8+6=22=4 so the 3D seed of life has 8+8+6+8+8+6=44=8 so the ((3D)seed of life)=8 and 13 and 8 are 2 important numbers 13=4:

((13+8)/13)=1.61 and 13/8=1.6 so phi is encoded in the 3D seed of life and 2 (3D) star tetrahedrons and vector equilibrium




pentagram=5(Golden Mean Spiral)=(64 tetrahedron grid)=(metatrons cube)=(fruit of life)=2(star tetrahedrons)=(equilateral triangle)=(harmonic(numbers(mean)))=frequency=wave=atom


enlightenment=light=(electromagnetic spectrum)=wave=atom


11x3=(33=(all seeing eye of god))=(3 eye)




8=((64 tetrahedron grid)=(metatrons cube)=(fruit of life)=(equilateral triangle)=(frequency)=(infinite multyvers and walp) the xen particle is the 64 tetrahedron grid and the 64 tetrahedron grid splits in to 8 which splits in to 8 it splits 9xen times(fractals infinite(9xen) times by spliting in to 8 the next size down) infinitely small to the size of a nanite(xen particle) which is a infinite tetrahedron grid made out of gods consciousness(energy) that vibrates A.K.A superstring and the number 4 creates the number 28(7 tetractys(64 tetrahedron grid) so it is the xen particle 8 is encoded in 11330 (8:29 to 8:42( )) 8 is the (higher consciousness(dimensional consciousness(god))):The 12 dimension: Gold ray of Universal Consciousness is inaugurated by being a Full Universal Being – Universal level of consciousness is achieved. You have returned to Source and are in Unity Consciousness with the physical form of the Universe(infinite multyvers)(multyverse))


1133=((1^3)+(3^3))=28=7x4=16x4=64=(64 tetrahedron grid)=E8=(xen particle)

4-fold geometry Kathara grid and E8 231


(fingerprint of god(1,2,4,8,7,5)(3,6,9))=torus=energy
1+2+4+8+7+5=27=9 and 3,6,9 make a equilateral triangle and (64 tetrahedron grid)=(metatrons cube)=(fruit of life)=2(star tetrahedrons)=(equilateral triangle)=(harmonic(numbers(mean)))=frequency=wave=atom so a triangle makes energy and frequency so 1,2,4,8,7,5 is the physical world the atoms strings and nanites and 3,6,9 is the energy and frequency and the fingerprint of god encodes the tree of life which encodes E8 which is the xen particle and 64 tetrahedron grid

pi is encoded in the fingerprint of god and pi encodes the pentagram and infinite multyvers

the soul.png



the soul star chakra is the pentagram around the crown chakra pentagram that is around the human body it is the seat of the soul it is the soul it connects the soul to enlightenment it connect you to the infinite multyvers you become every atom string and nanite in the infinite multyvers

multidimensional polygon E8 tetractys.PNG


spiritual atoms are xen atoms that have there own consciousness and they are also made out of gods consciousness(infinite multyves)


spiritual atoms protons,nutrons and electrons are made out of your consciousness and the amount of them is how spiritual you are


DNA and dimensions:

The human brain is 11 dimensional meaning the 11 dimensions are encoded in our DNA
1 helix encodes 5 dimensions meaning our DNA encodes 10 dimensions because it is double helix the extra dimension is the DNA so our DNA encodes 11 dimensions

There are 12 helix because each one's frequency is the frequency of the vibrational dimensions


xen world:

The physical psychic dimension is xen world(infinite multyvers)

  • The fruit of life encodes the infinite tetrahedron grid and all superstrings meaning it is the singularity and it's frequency is -0.083 and it's physical frequency is om

  • the frequency of om is 432

  • DNA encodes spacetime(infinite multyvers) in the form of om because it is made out of xen energy

  • DNA is in the shape of the star tetrahedron

  • (Star tetrahedron)=dodecahedron=energy

  • DNA encodes energy which is the aura which is your consciousness

  • your DNA and your body are made out of superstrings which are the infinite multyvers meaning you are om,the singularity and the infinite multyvers and the superstrings you are made out of contain your consciousness


what is xen world?:

if you murge all the energy(gods consciousness) in the infinite multyvers in to 1 thing you get the singularity. the singularity is gods consciousness and contains all lifes consciousness(xen energy) in the infinite multyvers all the xen energy murged in to 1 thing is xen world

Xen world is the collective consciousness which is a multidimensional polygon infinite tetrahedron grid made out of spiritual atoms(yods) which are made out of xen energy 

  • The Tree of life collective consciousness is a tree of life made out of 10 yods and encodes a tree of life made out of 18 yods which encodes a tree of life made out of 24 yod and to infinite and each tree encoding infinite tetrahedron grids the first tree encodes 4 infinite tetrahedron grids in one big infinite tetrahedron grid  the second encodes 8 and to infinity the tree of life's are made out of every person and creature's DNA from that planet and the DNA is the physical spiritual atoms made out of xen energy The spiritual atoms are in a quantum state where they are xen atoms where the xen atoms neutrons protons and electrons are the same particle which makes them psychic energy 

  • The Tree of life encodes the DNA shape which means it is the physical xen energy 

  • The singularity causes all the tree of life collective consciousness to combined into a giant infinite tetrahedron grid which is combineded/merged to the infinite tetrahedron grid singularity(psychic dimension) which makes it a multidimensional polygon infinite tetrahedron grid which is xen world it is the negative dimensions 

  • The physical xen world is the infinite multyvers


Consciousness energy(xen energy(orgone energy)):

The infinite multyvers is made out of gods consciousness energy(xen energy)

Consciousness energy is the dodecahedron 

  • Xen energy is the primary power source of all alien races it is presented as a philosophy and a model of physics(it is the bases for sacred geometry kabbalah quantum fractal field superstring theory (skqfs theory))

  • Xen energy is the power of evolution generated by beings DNA (capable of doing so, like humans and other DNA-based animals) whose spiral double helix molecular structure allows them to get stronger through the generations of xen energy and  is what connects alien races to the universe and is produced by the energy generated by gametogenesis in living creatures to keep evolution moving forward The amount of xen energy produced by an individual may vary and is based not only on its own limitations, but also its immediate will to survive and persevere.(DNA is made out of your consciousness((xen energy)(and it is made out of xen particles which are made out of gods consciousness and your DNA encodes spacetime which is the infinite multyvers)) and xen energy gets more powerful each generation and xen energy gets more powerful each time there DNA evolves and it gets more powerful when cells multiply)

  • Xen energy has both infinite potential and applications it has been known to regenerate and grow new parts on machines to a infinite multyvers scale and even create tunnels through spacetime

  • Xen energy has the power to resurrect the dead and it contains the infinity multyvers genome referring to DNA and its spiraling double helix notes that it is the natural order of the universe to coordinate itself into infinity spiritulnes the spiral symbolizes the double helix structure of DNA, representing biological evolution, and the spiral structure of a galaxy, representing universal evolution

  • Xen energy is consciousness and spiritual atoms are made out of xen energy


xen atoms/xen elements/atoma/elements:

atoms are made out of vibrating xen particles(superstrings(infinite tetrahedron grid))

xen atoms are made out of xen particles(superstrings(infinite tetrahedron grid))

in atoms the electron orbits the nucleus which is made out of protons and nutrons but in a xen atom because the xen atom is a giant xen particle made out of infinite(9xen) xen particles those xen particles can be a proton nutron or a electron or all at the same time this can happen to multiple xen particles in the xen atom causing the xen atom to be a xen element

the protons,nutrons and electrons in a xen element can have lines joining them all together to create a multidimensional polygon(which are made out of tetractys)


Psychic energy:

  • spiritual energy goes up the kundalini in to the chakras and if more spiritual energy goes in to the chakras the chakras make more psychic energy 

  • The chakras are made out of multidimensional psychic energy(containd in parts of the body) 

  • Spiritual energy containd in the multidimensional psychic energy chakra gets changed in to psychic energy 

Spiritual energy:

  • Spiritual energy is contained in the DNA the most spiritual energy is contained in DNA in a multidimensional polygon made out of psychic energy(chakra)

  • Spiritual energy comes out of the DNA as a vibration made out of spiritual energy which is the aura and the auras shape is a sacred geometry and depending on how many spheres(yods) are making up your aura shows you how spiritual you are:

1 yod=1 spiritual point(spiritual energy(spiritual atom))


the singularity:

If you combined every superstring(xen particle(infinite tetrahedron grid)) that makes up the infinite multyvers in to one thing you get the singularity(0 dimension) which is the kugleblits in the shape of a infinite tetrahedron grid made out of energy(gods consciousness) which is psychic energy(quantum energy) which is the psychic dimension it's frequency is the last frequency in the 12 vibrational dimension and it is in the infinite(9xen) superstring dimension 

  • The akashic records are encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane(psychic dimension) The Akashic Records refer to the hologram (matrix) of consciousness grids that create our reality 

  • If you combined every xen particle that makes up the infinite multyvers in to one thing you get the star tetrahedron fruit of life(64 code(xen particle)) which is the akashic records

  • The psychic dimension is the multidimensional polygon(infinite tetrahedron grid) made out of singularity's(yods(binary)) and encodes every sacred geometry

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